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Spiritual Direction involves a process through which one person helps another person understand what God is doing
and saying.

Richard J. Foster

Enneagram is a widely accepted personality model that offers deep insight into our core driving motivations, opening up exciting possibilities in the prediction and understanding of human behaviour. 

Supervision is a process of professional learning and development that enables individuals to reflect on and develop their knowledge, skills, and competence.

Knowing, leaning into, and loving the person we were made to be enables us to love others well and God more.

Sometimes, we feel like we have hit a brick wall spiritually. Other times one's reality and theology no longer match, and we know something might need to shift; we might need to unlearn, let go, and learn anew. Perhaps these moments are holy invitations – invitations out of something or invitations into something. 
Perhaps part of that invitation is to seek out a spiritual director who will hold space, listen well to your story, notice, and wonder alongside, helping you recognise and lean into God's presence. Holding such spaces within spiritual direction brings insight and the potential for freedom. It is my pleasure to do so alongside my directees. Additionally, being an Enneagram Practitioner, these tools, interwoven, can offer a deeper self, other, and God-awareness. Why do I love Spiritual Direction? Because when directees discover new insights, revelations, new freedoms, and the invitation to see themselves as God sees them – as unconditionally loved and embraced – such moments become turning points in our faith journey.


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Emma C - Auckland

Spiritual Direction

"Amanda holds a safe space where curiosity and honesty are welcome guests, and shame and judgement don’t stand a chance of survival. With just the right balance of reassurance and challenge, she supports a process of coming more alive, more myself, surer of my belovedness. All without having to leave my humour at the door or BS my way through it all with super ‘spiritual’ words. Phew."

Research, revisiting scripture, and listening to people's lived stories have led me to be a faith-full person and an ally.

At heart, what I can offer

any person of faith is the opportunity to know

themselves as

God knows them.


Spiritual Direction




Spiritual Growth Ministries (SGM) is a network of people from diverse denominations who seek to nurture and foster the growth of contemplative Christian spirituality in Aotearoa, New Zealand.

Completion of two year training program

Special Interest Project here.

Baptist Pastor. (2011-2016)

Carey Baptist College.

Completed GradDip in Theology.

Master's in Applied Theology

Integrative Enneagram Solutions is an international business providing individual, team and organization development solutions.

Level 1 IEQ9 Training

Associate Member of ACSD. includes training requirements and agreement of code of ethics, 

Email me for more information
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